Executive 领导 Team


詹姆斯米. 沙利文Ph值.D.


詹姆斯米. 沙利文,Ph值.D., joined Florida Atlantic University (FAU) 港分公司 Oceanographic Institute in 2015 and was named 执行董事 of FAU 港分公司 in 2018. 在此之前, Sullivan held senior positions in academia and industry, both as research faculty at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography, and as a senior oceanographer for the company Sea-Bird Scientific, which manufactures instruments for measuring and monitoring ocean activity. 在他的职业生涯中, Sullivan has received funding through most of the major federal science agencies including the National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric 政府, National Oceanographic Partnership Program, Office of Naval 研究, National Aeronautics and Space 政府, and the National Institutes of Health. Sullivan’s research interests include biological and physical mechanisms that control the spatial-temporal dynamics of phytoplankton populations in the coastal oceans, harmful algal bloom dynamics, bioluminescence in the ocean, and the development and use of optical and autonomous sampling instrumentation and analytical techniques needed to study these complex processes. He has developed or co-developed equipment that includes a moored autonomous vertical profiler, 一个bathyphotometer, an 原位 hyperspectral spectrophotometer, and an 原位 holographic microscope for 3D characterization of undisturbed particles in the ocean. Sullivan has more than 50 peer-reviewed publications to his credit and has held editorial positions for several international scientific journals. He currently serves as an editor of 光学表达.

Sullivan earned his master’s and doctorate degrees in biological oceanography with specializations in phytoplankton physiology and ecology, as well as bio-optics and biophysics from the University of Rhode Island - Graduate School of Oceanography. FAU is in its fifth decade of working with marine science and technology partners on applied projects that produce positive environmental, societal and economic outcomes. As 执行董事, Sullivan is leading a strategic effort to develop interdisciplinary research by combining expertise across many FAU centers and colleges including: FAU 港分公司; the Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering (I-SENSE); SeaTech: Institute for Ocean and Systems Engineering; the Florida Center for Environmental Studies; the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, the Harriet L. Wilkes Honor College and the College of Engineering and Computer Science.



Associate 执行董事 of 操作

帕特里克J. 博尔斯监管的, 注册会计师, is responsible for the operational and financial aspects of Florida Atlantic University (FAU) 港分公司 Oceanographic Institute. His career spans more than 30 years of managerial roles in both private and public industry as well as public 会计 specializing in not-for-profit businesses, including healthcare. A licensed certified public accountant, 博尔斯监管的 is a graduate of Florida State University with degrees in 会计 and finance, and has been with FAU 港分公司 since 2002 when he came on board as its chief financial officer; he was subsequently appointed 港分公司’s chief operating officer in 2005. As a member of 港分公司’s transition team during its merger with Florida Atlantic University, 博尔斯监管的 stepped up to the role of associate executive director of operations and finance, where his responsibilities now include a myriad of FAU 港分公司’s functions including finance, 会计, 应付账款, 经费管理, 人力资源, 交通 & parking, employee health & 安全、潜水 & 划船的操作 & safety, security, general services, Office of 信息rmation Technology, and building & 基础操作.



Associate Director for 研究


安妮·佩奇,DVM, Ph ..D.

安妮·佩奇,DVM, Ph ..D.

Associate Director of 教育
Associate 研究教授