ED Exceptional Student Education-KU体育

College of Education

Exceptional Student Education Courses For Spring 2005

Last Updated: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 8.03.23

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
EEX 2010 SURVEY OF EXCEPTIONALITIES 001 11594 35 7 3 BU 411 T 04:20-07:00PM博卡拉顿RAMASAMY, RANGASAM Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4070 INCLUSIVE ED FOR GENERAL EDCTRS 001 11597 35 34 3 ED 115 M 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton RAMASAMY, RANGASAM Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess 下午01:00-03:50查尔斯,博卡拉顿公爵 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess Boca Raton DUKES, CHARLES Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess 004 11600 35 14 3 ED 113 S TB:A- Boca Raton LAROCQUE, MICHELLE Important info at rwq.verbanecphotography.com/scheduleinfo.htm Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Fast Track Course Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4101 LANGUAGE & SPEECH DISORDERS Boca Raton, SMILEY, LYDIA R Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4221 ASSMNT OF EXCPTNL INDIVIDUALS Boca Raton TAYLOR, RONALD L College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee
EEX 4840 PROF DEV PRAC EXCPT STDNT EDUC 001 11614 45 3 TBA博卡拉顿TBA职员 Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 001 11617 30 7 8-12 MTWRF 08:00-12:00PM卡桑德拉博卡拉顿凯勒
EEX 5936 DIVERSITY SEMINAR 003 11624 2017 1 ED 457 F 05:00-09:35PM, KIM E TAYLOR, RONALD L Important info at rwq.verbanecphotography.com/scheduleinfo.htm Permission needed from instructor Fast Track Course
EEX 6056 THEORIES AND CHARACT OF INDIV IN MICHELLE, Boca Raton LAROCQUE Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
EEX 6225 PROFILING OF EXCEPTIONAL INDIV 001 11631 35 4 3 SC 178 R 04:20-07:00PM博卡拉顿瓦卡罗,泰伦斯
EEX 6863 GRAD INTERN VARYING EXCEPTIONALI 003 11635 20 3- 6 TBA博卡拉顿TBA,职员 Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 11637 35 1- 3 TBA博卡拉顿TBA,职员 Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 11641 35 1- 5 TBA博卡拉顿TBA,职员 Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 001 11646 35 6 1-10 TBA Boca Raton TAYLOR, RONALD L Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Davie campus
EEX 4070 INCLUSIVE ED FOR GENERAL EDCTRS 大卫·威尔逊,辛西娅·L Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess CLOSED 下午4:20-07:00戴维·罗迪,卡拉 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4101 LANGUAGE & SPEECH DISORDERS [0211606 35 11] ES 103 R 12:00-02:50PM Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4221 ASSMNT OF EXCPTNL INDIVIDUALS 下午12:30-03:20戴维·沃德,贝弗利 College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee
EEX 4840 PROF DEV PRAC EXCPT STDNT EDUC [02]戴维·戈德斯坦,佩吉·A Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 002 11618 35 15 8-12 LA 228 MTWRF 08:00-12:00PM
EEX 5245 MTHDS IN ERLY CHLDHD EXCPTNL STD [01:20 -07:00]戴维·戈德斯坦,佩吉·A
EEX 5936 SEMINAR: READING RESEARCH IN ESE 下午4:20-07:00贝弗利的戴维·沃德 Dist Lrng - see http://itss.verbanecphotography.com/schedule.htm Permission needed from instructor Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
EEX 6121 TCHNG LNG TO EXCPTNL INDVDL 大卫·拉罗克,米歇尔 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess 下午4:20-07:00戴维·拉罗克,米歇尔 Permission needed from instructor Professional Training & Development CLOSED
EEX 6863 GRAD INTERN VARYING EXCEPTIONALI 004 11636 20 3- 6 TBA大卫TBA,职员 Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 11638 35 11 - 3 TBA大卫TBA,职员 Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 11642 35 1 1- 5 TBA Davie TBA, STAFF Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 002 11647 35 1-10 TBA戴维TBA,职员 Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
EEX 4070 INCLUSIVE ED FOR GENERAL EDCTRS 木星迈耶斯-西尼特,凯尔 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4221 ASSMNT OF EXCPTNL INDIVIDUALS 下午04:20-07:00朱庇特·达菲,玛丽·L College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee
EEX 4840 PROF DEV PRAC EXCPT STDNT EDUC 003 11616 5 3 TBA Jupiter TBA, STAFF Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 003 11619 24 4 8-12 MTWRF 08:00-12:00PM
EED 5215 BEHV MGMT EMOTIONALLY HANDICAP 下午04:20-07:00朱庇特·斯科特,约翰(杰克)
EEX 5936 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE IN ABA 下午05:00-07:50朱庇特·斯科特约翰(杰克)
EEX 6121 TCHNG LNG TO EXCPTNL INDVDL 公元1629年35月23日下午04:20-07:00朱庇特·施密特,JEAN M Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 6863 GRAD INTERN VARYING EXCEPTIONALI 3- 6木星TBA,职员 Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 11639 5 1- 3 TBA Jupiter TBA, STAFF Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 1- 5 TBA木星TBA,职员 Permission needed from instructor
ELD 6246 CGNTV & MTCGNTV STRTGS INTRVNTN [01:20 . 07]朱庇特·达菲,玛丽·L
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus
EEX 4070 INCLUSIVE ED FOR GENERAL EDCTRS 008 11604 35 20 3 CO 135 W 01:00-03:50PM Port St.Lucie SCOTT, JOHN (JACK) Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess 009 16068 35 8 3 CO 225 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie BRASHEAR, JANET W. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4101 LANGUAGE & SPEECH DISORDERS 003 11607 35 6 3 JU 112 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie FORGAN, JAMES W Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 004 11620 24 8 8-12 MTWRF 08:00-12:00PM Port St.Lucie KELLER, CASSANDRA
EEX 6056 THEORIES AND CHARACT OF INDIV IN 002 11628 35 1 3 SL 105 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie GOLLERY, THOMAS J Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 6225 PROFILING OF EXCEPTIONAL INDIV 002 11632 30 3 SL 102 R 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie PANKASKIE, SARA
EEX 6863 GRAD INTERN VARYING EXCEPTIONALI 002 11634 35 1 3- 6 TBA Port St.Lucie PANKASKIE, SARA Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess
EEX 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 004 11640 20 1- 3 TBA Port St.Lucie TBA, STAFF Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
EEX 2010 SURVEY OF EXCEPTIONALITIES TBA远程教育考德威尔,玛丽娄 Dist Lrng - see http://itss.verbanecphotography.com/schedule.htm Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess Fully online class that uses Blackboard CLOSED
EGI 5305 THEORY & DEVELPMT OF CREATIVITY 3 TBA远程教育FAIVUS, ANNE S. BRADY, MICHAEL P. Dist Lrng - see http://itss.verbanecphotography.com/schedule.htm Fully online class using the Internet
EGI 6235 DSGNG PRGRMS FOR GIFTED INDVLS TBA远程教育WHITE, WILLARD L Dist Lrng - see http://itss.verbanecphotography.com/schedule.htm Fully online class using the Internet
EMR 6015 THRS & CHRCTRSTCS OF MNTL RTRDTN TBA远程教育威尔逊,辛西娅L Dist Lrng - see http://itss.verbanecphotography.com/schedule.htm Fully online class using the Internet
Courses offered at Other campuses
EEX 2010 SURVEY OF EXCEPTIONALITIES 下午6:30-09:20其他帕斯夸列罗,凯西 Important info at rwq.verbanecphotography.com/scheduleinfo.htm Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit http://rwq.verbanecphotography.com/coess [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]